Just a quick Thank You to everyone who has visited my tatting blog. I am visiting all of your blogs and learning a lot about what I want to see on my blog and how I can improve it to make it as interesting as possible. I will be posting more photos and adding some tips and techniques I've picked up along the way. Of course, I'm always looking for new widgets and improvements/add-ons from Blogger that make sharing info much easier and more fun to use.
It is a blessing to me to be able to share my interests with all of you and I am truly enjoying your blogs about tatting, sewing, quilting, and other crafts through the use of something so readily available and easy to use. Not very long ago, sharing knowledge and photos was kept within a small community of family and friends - usually only those you saw at work, school or church or corresponded with using snail mail.
Now we can easily share everything about the process of creating beautiful crafts in a few minutes all over the world. I love technology!
Again, thank you and I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you a little bit more next year.
Weekend projects
3 days ago