Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting Back into Tatting

We're back from vacation and I'm looking forward to spending many evenings tatting. I've missed it.

I did manage to do a little tatting while on vacation and finished a pretty snowflake. As I was tatting on the plane, at the airport, or during the cruise, many people stopped and asked what I was doing. I explained that I was tatting and showed them my work. I took a bunch of small butterflies and gave them to everyone who inquired. All of the butterflies were much appreciated but I realized I would have liked to have had something a little larger to give to people.

I think I will make up some of the shepherd hook bookmarks with the hanging motif and give them to anyone who asks about tatting. They are a little more substantial, not so easily misplaced, and could even be re-gifted to friends or family if desired.

More to follow. I will post some pictures as soon as I can.


  1. Love that you had butterflies to give away!

    As for something larger...let them tat their own, I say!

    A butterfly is perfect for the inquisitive to receive and generous of you to give to strangers! That's my story...

    Welcome back!
    Fox : )

  2. I don't think I've heard the term 'shepherd hook' bookmark before. Please explain. It sounds very interesting.


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